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The Rotary Club of Waupaca

Serving others, promoting integrity, and advancing understanding, goodwill, and peace in the Waupaca area and around the world.

Over 90 members strong, we are committed to acting locally and globally to address the biggest challenges of our time. Together, we work to:

  • Support education
  • Protect the environment
  • Grow local economies
  • Promote Peace
  • Support mothers & children
  • Provide Clean water, sanitation & hygiene
  • Fight disease

In addition to hands-on projects focused on the environment, housing, hunger and other needs, we raise funds through community events to support a range of programs and service projects that improve lives locally and around the world.

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Thanks to Our Ambassadors

Learn more about Rotary Club of Waupaca Ambassadors here.

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

The Good Things We’re Doing!

AED Project Update


On Monday August 26th Mike Ohlinger, Mike Phelan, Greg Harvey and Bill Zimmermann participated in the Gold Cross Heartstart Foundation Golf Outing which supports placement of AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator) in the Gold Cross Ambulance service area. 

Waupaca Rotary is working on a project to place AED’s in targeted locations in the Waupaca area with the goal of saving more lives of people who have cardiac arrests. AED survival rates without chest compressions or defibrillation are essentially zero, but with early bystander CPR and a defibrillation shock provided within less than 3 minutes after collapse, the AED survival rate can be as high as 74% for patients with ventricular fibrillation (AED Leader 10/2/22).

The project is a collaborative effort with the Waupaca Chamber of Commerce, Gold Cross Ambulance Service and the UW-Oshkosh School of Nursing. A kick-off meeting is scheduled with representatives from these organizations in mid-September to finalize the key elements of the project which include:
  • Determine current locations for AED’s in the Waupaca area
  • Determine ideal locations for additional AED’s based on Gold Cross cardiac arrest data
  • Work with targeted local businesses to place the AED’s
  • Install AED’s
  • PR campaign to raise awareness of  AED’s and locations in our community
  • Train employees of AED locations and community members on AED use
  • Ongoing maintenance of AED’s and annual AED training
Waupaca Rotary is currently in the fundraising phase of the project with a budget of $26,000, We have raised $17,500 through grants and donations to date, with potential for an additional grant in the next 30 days from the Gold Cross HeartStart Foundation. Individual Rotarians pledged $2,000 in donations at the 6/5/24 club meeting.

Stay tuned for news on how you can help with this project with time and/or treasure to save lives in our community!

Paul Harris Recognitions: Randy Faulks & Dean Sondrol


During last Wednesday’s meeting we presented Rotary International’s most distinguished award to two citizens of our community. The recognitions were made possible by two of our Rotary Club of Waupaca Ambassadors.

Bank First honored Randy Faulks for his consistent and generous support for organizations and events in our community.

Vic & Chris Anthony honored Dean Sondrol for his commitment to volunteerism with a wide variety of organizations and causes in our community.

Learn more about the Rotary Club of Waupaca Ambassadors program here (

Rotary Youth Exchange: Coming and Going...


This was fun! At the August 21st meeting, our inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student from Brazil got to meet our outbound student headed to Brazil! 

Rotary Youth Exchange promotes peace by cultivating understanding across countries and cultures. Our club, our community, and the world are better for it.



What’s Coming Up?

Waupaca Weekly Club Meeting

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Pints For Polio

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